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What do ingrown hairs look like? Treatment for ingrown hair? Will ingrown hair heal itself?

All questions Mason needed the answer to growing up. He has struggled with ingrown hairs for majority of his early adult years and finding a product to help has been difficult. We spoke to Mason about his skin insecurites, skincare routine and how the FACE 4WARD Toner has helped him achieve clear skin.

What would you say is your biggest skin insecurity is?

I would have to say that my biggest skin insecurity would definitely have to be my ingrown hairs and oily skin.

This started to become a serious problem when I was 18, specifically around the chin and neck area. I wasn’t sure what product to use, so I tried to find alternatives to cover it up. I used a lot of products that would cause my skin to flare up and make the ingrown hairs a lot worse.

How often do the ingrown hairs flare up and what do you think causes it?

I used to shave with a standard men's razor at home, which I now know was an error. Every time I would shave, I also used a solution with the razor, causing my skin to flare up. I would always do this because I thought it would help and didn’t even think about using another product.

It was only when I went to the Barbers’ and they told me I shouldn’t actually be shaving with a razor; especially someone with my skin tone as it would irritate my skin more.

Did you find it helpful using shaving cream or another product before you shaved?

To be honest, when I first started shaving, I was doing it all wrong. At first, I wasn’t even using a shaving cream, I would just shave with water and a razor which was irritating my skin.

Even with shaving cream I was still doing it all wrong, I was shaving up and down which would irritate the pores on my skin. As soon as my Barber told me, I stopped using razors at home and I have noticed a big difference.

How does having oily skin impact you?

With my skin type, I have always found that it's really oily. A lot of the skincare products I was using weren't helping in any way. I never found a product that would tackle the oil, so it was a big insecurity of mine and definitely effected my confidence.

Do you find the oiliness gets progressively worse throughout the day?

I do my skincare routine in the morning- it's all fine... then within the hour I'm oily and it's not even hot. By the time it's 3-4pm, my skin's so oily and I would notice it in photos as well.

For people that suffer with ingrown hairs, like myself, I would definitely use a Toner. FACE 4WARD Toner helps with unclogging the pores, getting rid of dead skin cells and exfoliating the face. The Toner also has no alcohol in it, so it doesn’t irritate the skin.

Learn more about the benefits of a Toner here.



I’m not sure where you’re getting your info, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more.
Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my mission.

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